Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Sometimes I convince myself that I don't have enough. I lust for things, for shiny objects, things to fill my house or closet with. I always fall for that little voice in my head that tells me once I get the next item, I won't need anything else. Once I have this, I will be fine. But, that small little feeling of contentment lasts an hour, a day or two, and before I know it I start wanting more all over again.

Why do I work so hard to spend my money on things that will end up in a garage sale. Why do I fall for that over and over?

Right now, I am at a point where I feel likes have enough. I am content and satisfied. I am full. I do not need anything. I have so much more than I need, and so much more than so many others, and so often, I am ungrateful.

Today, I am praying and thanking God for my cup. I am thanking Him for all his blessings, spiritual and material. Today and everyday have more than enough. I am just taking a moment to recognize it.


Brooke said...

beautiful! one thing that has made me slow down on spending (clothes wise) is realizing how quickly it becomes worthless or out to date. i try to keep a steady stream of "out go" in my closet

~Carla~ said...

You are a jewel, Allison! :) I think we all get like this sometimes... I try to give as much as I get... Today I baked a loaf of bread for a friend & brought another friend who hasn't been feeling well a bouquet of Gerbera Daisies. :)

lesley: the dream tree said...

i totally understand you. it makes me feel very greedy, selfish, and like you said..ungrateful. sad world sometimes.

Denise said...

is it bad though if I actually NEED clothes?

beautiful post!

Ali Mc said...

I love being there. Feeling content with my current life is something I've been working towards lately too. It does feel GREAT!

Michelle said...

I'm feeling like you as well. I don't think there's anything else I need.

Serendipity said...

This was a truly needed blog post. It's easy to so often get confused on what we don't need and that we have enough. Also, I'm trying to make an effort to strengthen my relationship with God so this was needed to be read.