Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday Confessions

Hello my amigas. We close out another week, and you know what that means. Confession time.

So lets get this started.

Here are my weekly confessions:

1.I threw a banana peel out my window. I said to no one in particular, here you go animals. I didn't throw it in the grass, or out in a field. I just threw it in the center of the street.

2.I have not plucked/waxed my eyebrows since January. I know this because I got my eyebrows waxed this week, and the lady told me the last time I had be in was January. She may or my not have gasped when I laid down on the table and she inspected my brows.

3. I went to the restroom at work, and before I got in the stall, I had unbuttoned and unzipped my pants. Totally spaced out that I was in a public environment.

4. It takes me at least 2 minutes every morning to choose my pen and highlighter combo at work. Everyday I start my morning with my to do list. And every morning, it takes forever for me to pick my pen for the day, and even longer to decide what highlighter color to use. I get such a thrill highlighting things off my list each day. Yea, I am a big dork.

You know the drill. Fess up friends!


Denise said...

i like your list this week!
gosh, at this hour...I can't think of anything except for that poop of brooklyn's i didn't pick up because i didn't have a bag!

Ashten said...

Your eyebrow confession just made me laugh!
I was sick all week but I got stir crazy so I went shopping a little...maybe alot. And since I was sick I let myself eat crap food all week. Probably did not help my recovery time.
Have a great weekend!

Brooke said...

i'm campaigning to bring the bushy eyebrow look back, and haven't done mine in over a year. haven't plucked, threaded or touched in any manner.