Wednesday, July 4, 2012

DARTing Around Town

Since moving to our house, it has been pretty inconvenient driving to work. We are a bit further North than we used to be, and we are near a really packed highway.

The solution--the Dart light rail! The DART is our local mass transit system and its awesome! The train station is about 5 minutes away and it drops me off a block away from my office. I have to leave about 20 minutes earlier to get to work on time, but I get home at least 30 minutes earlier than I would if I drove.

Everyday I pop in my ipod, grab my book and read for the half hour. We have been saving on our gas bill, and I used to spend around 120.00 a month on tolls driving back and forth to work.

I have never been able to take mass transit before, and I like it. There are some hiccups every now and then that make for some pretty interesting stories. For example, I got yelled at by a crazy person the other day as I walked past him at the depot. I sat across from a woman my grandmothers age reading the book "Naked Dragon." I have run a little late and had to sprint through downtown Dallas, darting around other commuters, and running through traffic.

Do you have a good mass transit system where you live? Do you take mass transit to work? Any commuting tips?


Marissa @thirtysixmonths said...

Our transit system sucks here. So its either drive or take the bus.

Denise said...

that is great!
no, i have to drive - single occupancy lane the whole way. Seattle has horrible traffic!!