Sometimes it is so easy to overlook the things that people closest to us do. We see the flaws, or the things we want them to change or do better, do more, do less, or do differently. Yesterday, P and I were discussing
Veganism with a friend, and how we are transitioning our lives to a different,
healthier lifestyle. As we were talking, I basically threw P under the bus and told our friend how much less meat I eat now, and how I really am working to do more, and that P is coming around to it much more slowly. As we continued to chat and I shared
some tips, ideas, and
P joined back in the conversation and commented how different he feels now that he is of dairy. I basically did a double take.
It is true, P is off dairy, and I have not asked him about it nor have I given him much credit for it at all. Over a month ago I was making my grocery list, and I asked P if he needed more milk, and he responded no. I asked again the next week, and P said no again. I think I questioned him a few times, but I didn't think much of it. Rather than boast about it and make a huge deal, P just quietly began to remove dairy from his diet. He didn't make a scene, he
didn't tell me, preach at me, or try to convince me to do it, he just did it. That's the difference between P and I. I want to talk about it, convince others that my way is correct, and get credit for doing it. Where I can be loud, boisterous, and
judgy, P is quiet, humble, and wants to take action and is not concerned with getting the credit.
As I have thought about this past few days, I have come to realize, it is more than just being off dairy that P does with looking for credit, he does a lot, and I never thank him nor acknowledge it. On the weekends, I do the laundry and deep clean the house. If P is gone, or taking a nap, I make sure to tell him how much I did because he
needs to know ho much I do around here, and isn't he grateful for me. I am really good about getting the house cleaned on the weekends. What I am not so great about is keeping it clean during the week. Every day I carry no less than 4 bags with me. A purse, work bag, lunch, and my workout bag. When I get home in the evenings, I dump the bags right in the middle of the floor, and am content to leave them there
until the next
morning. P comes behind me and picks up my junk and puts it away. Everyday this happens, and never once have I thanked him. Just thinking about it now gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach, realizing how often I fail to say thank you.
That's just how he is, and
WHO he is. He spends most of his days looking for opportunities to serve other people and never seeks recognition for the things he does. The longer we are married, the more I realize that I truly married up. He is out of my league and I have no idea what I did to deserve getting such a good husband.
What are some things your loved ones do that you never give them credit for?