Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Christmas Recap
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
This book is sarcastic, snarky, a bit inappropriate, and completely hilarious. So, its right up my alley. If you have never read Jen Lancaster, go out and buy any of her books, any one, and you will laugh so hard, you might pee in your pants. My favorite of all the books she has written is Bitter is the New Black. This girl is fully of spunk, sass, and and a must read.

Then I went the sappy route and read Safe Haven. His books are predictable, yes, but they are such good reads. I have read all of his books, and I always know whats going to happen at the end, but he just writes really great love stories.
Now off to get some errands done before heading out of town.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Get Ready

Sunday, November 28, 2010
Slow Sunday
This year, I have been trying really hard not to do school work on the weekends. If I have to, it seems like it ruins the day. I have made a point to stay late during the week so that my weekends are free from work. It feels so great to know that I don't have any work to do, and that I can spend the weekend doing what I want to do.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Number 2
I never thought I would do a marathon, much less 2. Now, a full week later, it feels like I ran a year ago. My first marathon, I clocked 4:52. Last week I ran in 4:24.
I made a major improvement, and I am proud of my time, but, I felt like I could have done even better. I honestly felt like I could have done it in under 4 hours.
I have to admit when I crossed the finish line and saw my time I was somewhat dissapointed. I know that I have no reason to feel bad about my time, at all, but somehow, I don't feel proud of it either. I don't know if it is just my competitive side coming out, or if I am truly disappointed. I don't know.
Will I do another one? Perhaps. I have not run for a week, and it feels good to rest. I have walked a ton, and lifted weights, but I have not run yet. Maybe today I will go out for a run.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Silencing the Doubt Monster
I am battling the doubt monster right now. I have been nervous all week. My stomach has been in knots all week. Uhhh. I don't know why I am doubting right now. I have to trust the training. Yes, my training has been a bit different this year as opposed to last year. I cut 2 weeks out of training, simply due to when I started. I have even skipped a few runs, something I would never have done last year, at all. This year, the difference is that I am listening to my body more, and trying to adapt the program to fit my life. If I got home, and my body was just exhausted from the run before, rather than trying to white knuckle my way through it, I would rest, and run the next day. Or, I would run, walk, run, in the early stages to find my rhythm. And the funny thing is, my running has been better. My times have been way faster than last year. My p.r. so far is 20 miles in 3:03. That's the best I have ever done. Plus, I have done 20 miles 3 different times this training season. I have gone for quality miles over quantity miles.
I just keep telling myself, I can do this, I can do this. I am trying to silence that doubt monster once and for all.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
T-3 Days
I am nervous. I think its because I know how hard it is. I know the pain that I am about to subject myself to.
But, I know I can do it. For the past 16 weeks, I have run late at night, or early in the morning. I have sacrificed sleep and down time to hit the pavement. I know I can do this, but I am just nervous.
Monday, October 25, 2010
No Regrets
In college I was pre-law and for a time, I really wanted to go into law, then seg-way into governmental work. I wanted to work in a high rise, I wanted to wear power suits, and I wanted to have power.
Under the tutelage of a great history professor, he really impressed upon me the importance of writing, and it was under his direction that I changed my major from pre-law to history. What can one do with a history degree? You don't see ads in the paper for history majors very often. I didn't know what job I would end up landing, and didn't really care. I loved getting to learn, research, and write. I then went to grad school and continued my studies. History is an amazingly fabulous subject, because it ultimately is the study of people, the study of humanity.
I say all of this, because during that run, I realized God lead me in the right direction. I am not made to work my life away. As a lawyer, I would make soooooo much more money. As a lawyer, I would have soooooo much more power. At what cost? I hated that I woke up early for work, stayed a work late into the night, neglected everything else in life other than work. I neglected my home, my husband, my friends, my sanity. I was in full out survival mode. I don't want to be in survival mode, I want to be in thrive mode. Working all day, and feeling like I can't make any head way. Working all day, and doing things less than my best because I don't have the time to spend on the task. Talking to people and never really hearing what they are saying because my to do list is running through my head all day long. I hated it.
Life is so much more than work. I realized that this weekend, and I am thankful for the path I am on.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Alright, that is my mantra right now. Sorry I have been M.I.A. lately. These past 2 weeks have been the most insane weeks of my entire life. I have had 12 or more hour days at work every single day for 2 full weeks. I am tired. Mentally, physically, emotionally, I am exhausted. I had two sports seasons end this week, which was fun, yet sad. We won first place in our district for my soccer team, and we won 3rd place in my district for my cross country team!! I really enjoy coaching sports, it has just been time consuming.
Then the work side. I leave for work about 6:45, and I am going non stop until well after 6:30 almost every day. There is so much going on right now that I just can't get everything done. But it is over, the hectic week, the crazyness, the insanity is over. I hate getting home at 7:45, changing clothes, then heading out the door to run. Getting done with my run, coming inside showering, then going to bed. I have had no life, no life at all.
P has been great through the whole thing. He knows how busy I have been and how frustrated I have been and he has been extremely patient with me. He keeps asking me if he can do anything for me, or help me in any way. I know its been hard having these opposite schedules, but he was so supportive this past few weeks. He is pretty awesome like that.
Confession time now. Thursday night, again, I got home really really late. P and a friend had tickets to a basketball game so he was not home. I ran in, changed clothes, and got ready to run. After my run, I came in, played with our dog, and poured myself the largest glass of wine known to man. And, I proceeded to drink it all. It took me about 45 minutes to finish this monster of a glass. It was huge. This is where it gets a bit crazy. I decided to take a long hot bath. I grabbed a Bon Appetite magazine, my wine, and started soaking in the tub. After I while I started to relax, a lot. I put the magazine down, and looked around the bathroom, and everything seemed to be moving slowly. And then an old feeling came back to me, a feeling from my college days, (which is another confession for another time) I realized I was drunk, which was why I was so relaxed. I managed to stumble out of the tub, and into bed. As I was getting my p.j.'s brushing my teeth, I stumbled all around the house. I was tipsy. When I finally landed in bed, everything started spinning. OOOOO it was bad. It was bad. I slept it off and managed to wake up fine, just felt a little heavy yesterday. So there you have it. My confession--I got drunk Thursday night. That is not a feeling I like, nor do I ever want to feel that way again.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Ran 20 miles. 3:11 was my time.
Now I want to chop my legs off.
Laying on the couch for the rest of the day.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
I think I will go for it.
I am going to cut myself some slack for the next few weeks. Work is completly crazy, and I just need to survive the next few weeks. I have had meetings at 7 am, 3:45 pm, games, practice, bible study, and everything else in between. This past week, I was home before 6pm only once. Every other day, I was home much later, and for a homebody like me, it has been pretty hard not being home.
Ok, deep breath, here goes.
Monday, September 27, 2010
I am almost finished with, o gosh, here I go, I am kind of embarrassed to tell you the author---ahh Daniel Steel's book, Family Ties. It is a simple read, full of twists and turns, basically it is a soap opera in about 400 pages.
It is trash. I know this. It is pure indulgence. I know this, but sometimes, trash feels good!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Giving up my citizenship
Now, like me, I am sure most people have a pretty strong opinion about Walmart, love it, hate it, or indifferent. Me, I really like Walmart. Where else can I go and go and get goods at rock bottom prices? Where else can I find Kashi cereal, buy a flat screen t.v., a pair of socks, and new curtains all at the same time??? Nowhere I tell you, nowhere else. So, yea I am on the Walmart time!!! Way to go guys.
But yesterday, I almost gave up my citizenship while there. What is it about Wally world that caters to the lowest demographic of our society? Uhhh. While going up and down the isles, I heard the most crude, and ignorant junk coming out of peoples mouthes. I saw so many people with their shorts hanging down around their ankles, and their wife beaters (undershirts, around here we call them wife beaters) wrapped around their protruding bellies. And teenage girls walking around with "clothes" so scandalous, I almost grabbed a trench coat from the clothing section and threw it on them. And, what is the deal with people walking 5 deep, traveling approximately 1/2 a mile per hour, in an isle and not letting a sister through? Not even bothering to respond to my polite "excuses me" or the polite throat clears. At one point, I almost shouted at the top of my lungs mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeee. But, I didn't feel like getting shot yesterday, seeing as we had people coming over within the hour, and Walmart being the closest store to my crib, hence, my appearance at the store.
So being there, seeing what we are producing in this country made me want to give up my citizenship. Saying that is a lot for me, because I love this country. I am extremely patriotic, and I would pit my love for America against anyone. I mean, I think the only other person who loves this country more than I do is Glenn Beck, and the only reason I am bestowing the title upon him is because he cries all the time. Me, I am not really a crier, if I was, that might put me over the edge, but since I am not, I will give it to him.
So yes, I love America. She is in my top 3 loves. God, Family, America. I love her. But, come on, we need to start producing off spring better than this. Please, America.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Home Again
Talk about different. But, it is ok. Because I know, or at least I hope, that we wont be here forever. This is just a temporary pause, a ditch, a resting place. A time and a place to stop, regroup, figure out life, make some decisions, find our direction, our path, and then forge ahead.
That is how I see our life here.
It is funny really, because I gripped, and excuse my french, bitched about our old house. I was pissed off, again please pardon the language, every time I had to get out of my car to open and close the gate. I was frustrated about the single pane windows. I was irritated by the fact that it took me a good 20 minutes just to get to the nearest store. I was annoyed that I used so much extra gas just getting home from work everyday. But, somewhere along the way, I fell in love with that life. I fell in love with that charming, quirky, messy, old house. I fell in love with the sound of the screen door banging shut. I fell in love with the sound of the kaddy bugs chirping so loud every night that it was almost deafening. I fell in love with that old worn down road in front of my house. I didn't realize it, until the day we moved out. I had a major sob fest, and I set on my front porch, legs on P's lap, and took one final picture of us at that house.
When we walked away, I realized something else, it is not the structure that makes a house a home, it is the people, and the life they create for themselves that makes it a home.
Here we are, in the big city, in the exact spot I dreamed about for years. The life I dreamed about, the urban metropolis, full of glitz and glamour, and to be frank, I am not sure I want it any more. But, again were here. Here is home. And, I am realizing more and more, that home for me is wherever P is. It is funny to me to think about when we got married, and I loved him so much, and I could never imagine loving him more than I did that day. Now, looking back, I have grown to love him even more than I did that day. Home is where he is, and where he goes, I will follow. House, apartment, trailer, or a extended stay hotel room, where he is, there my heart is.
This is where God has us for now, and I am learning to be content no matter the circumstance,-- well, I am praying that I am, and I am a work in progress, and I hope I am getting there every a little more everyday.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
It's Over

Monday, August 30, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010
The Itch

Thursday, August 26, 2010
I had a good reason
Well, like I said, last Thursday I took my first day off. It was really weird. I felt super guilty too. I mean, people were at work, kids were in their desks, yet I was not. So crazy.
But my day off had a purpose, I had a reason.... I had an interview!!!
I have been applying for different jobs for a while now. I really like working in education and I want to stay in this industry. I have been applying for jobs at some universities and not getting any responses. So I started off smaller, I began to apply at some jr. colleges, one to be exact. And I got a call, and an interview. It was my first interview in over 3 years now. I was so nervous it was crazy. The job would be an entry level position, but it would give me a chance to get my foot in the door. I would be working in an office as an assistant. It would combine my love of organizing, and task work, plus it would be in the field of education.
The interview went well I thought, but I have not heard anything yet. I think that means that I was not selected for the job. But, it still makes me excited and gives me hope. I stepped out and began to look. I began to think about making a change, and I went for it. I am going to email the lady I interviewed with and see what the status is.
But it is a first step.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Break Down Here
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Its over
Now it is off to life and the real world. Well, the real world actually started on Tuesday, but I never got around to posting. Yesterday was the first day of school. It is teacher in-service this week and then classes start next Tuesday. Where did my summer go?
It went to the kitchen. Cooking for 16 hours a day. Insane heat, insane pressure, insane hours, insane work get the picture--but the reality of it is--I loved it. I did. I loved every second of it.
I loved getting to work along side my husband all day. I loved getting to talk, socialize, and spend time with other adults all day long. I loved that my commute to work was 2 minutes and that it didn't even require 4 wheels, just mut and jeff (my feet). I loved the pressure to preform day in and day out. I loved getting the opportunity to serve people. I loved getting to watch 300+ people eat the food that I made for them. I loved the the rush of trying to get the dishes cleaned and put up as fast as possible. I loved it all. And I will miss it.
Could it lead to a career change?? Maybe? One day?
There is a ton of stuff that I could see myself doing. I think it would be great to work in a university. To work on the admin side, would be a dream. I would also really like to work as a financial advisor. I am so passionate about finances (thanks Dave), and it gets me so excited when people ask me about finances. I really like walking through the process with them and laying out the baby steps for them. I could see myself doing so many things besides teaching.
I like teaching, for the most part. There are times when I think that I would rather do something else. I am so task oriented, and teaching is not task oriented. I like sitting at a desk, making a list of things to do, and then just start checking them off. I like casual chatting throughout the day, (to adults that is).
There is a lot to teaching that I enjoy, and there is a lot to teaching that is really difficult for me. There are things that are simply ridiculous, that I feel like teachers should not have to do, nor should they have to put up with.
For now, I am going to continue to pray about my attitude and my class for the year.
Time to get into teacher mode.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
First, they are so stinkin cool and I just love them, and I love who they are.
Second, they are so close to paying off their house early---it is awesome.
After P and I discovered Dave Ramsey, I told my parents about him and his plan, and they started to look into it. Then earlier this year they went to one of his seminars when he was in Houston, and they got fired up about getting out of debt. The only debt they have is their home, and ever since the seminar, they have been fired up about getting the house paid off. The goal is to get it paid off by December of this year. They are working the snowball like mad men and working so hard to pay off their home.
They are so pumped up about it. My mom keeps saying that they are going to have a major party once the house has been paid off, and they are going to burn the mortgage papers!
It is so cool seeing them going down the right track and getting it together. WOW!
So awesome!!!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Be sure to go in straight lines
So here is our situation---I am done with work for this summer, and now I have a week off and I have come home to my parents house for a week for some r&r. It has been great getting to sleep in and just spend my days being lazy, it has been great. I love getting to come home and spend time with my mom and dad. They really are wonderful.
And because they are so wonderful I decided to help out around the house today. I cleaned up the kitchen, did some laundry, and picked up around the house. Then I looked outside and saw that the grass needed to be mowed. I called my mom and let her know what I was going to be doing for my dad. My parents are pretty meticulous about the yard, and it always looks good. So when I called my mom to tell her she got quiet for a minute, and then she said, "well, ok, but be sure to go in straight lines." AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Here is the back story, when I was maybe 13 or 14 I decided to be "helpful" and surprise my parents by mowing the lawn. As I mentioned earlier, my parents are pretty particular about the yard, I however am not. I decided that I wanted to mow shapes into the grass. Circles, triangles, squares, and diagonals, and it was AWESOME BABY!!! Well, my parents didnt think so. That afternoon, my dad saw what I did, then got the mower back out and went over my art. I thought it was hilarious. So today I realized that it must have been a pretty tramautic experience for my parents, because they are still holding on to it more than a decade later.
Yes I mowed the grass today, yes it was in straight lines, and yes it is plain and boring, and yes I had to put my desires asside and leave the shapes off the lawn---boring!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
That just how I roll
P: You look really nice today
Me: Thanks
P: Ok we need to get you a nice watch
Me: I like my watch
P: You have on a dress, Tiffany ear rings, and an Ironman digital watch
Me: Thats just how I roll
Friday, July 9, 2010
The Dream Jar

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Star Gaze
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Happy 4th
I love this country. This country offers so many hope. She offers so many a place of refuge. She can be a haven to many, while being a burden to some, and despite that, I love her.
I love that this country offers promises. I love that you really can go out and be what you want to be in America. I love to hear stories about people growing up in poverty and rising through to become huge successes.
I love that my two parents never went to college, but I had the chance to go to school, on a full ride, and be the first in my family to graduate.
I love that there are so many people of so many nationalities all living here together.
I love my country.
I am also thankful for my country. I am thankful that those stars and stripes still billow in the breeze. I am so thankful for the many men and women who died so that I can sit here and type out my beliefs and thoughts freely. I am so thankful that my dad, grandfather, brother-in-law, uncles, and cousins have defended this land, and many of those were able to come home safe and sound. I am thankful that tonight, a solider is standing guard in a far away land, alienated from his home by thousands of miles, fighting for me, someone he has never met.
Despite all of our differences this country works, and she works for good. Yes we have our ups and downs, but I think more than anything she has done more good than harm for the world.
I hope that this country continues to try and attain an unattainable goal, a goal of perfection. No, we wont ever reach that goal, but we can keep trying.
Sunday, June 27, 2010

As P likes to say "If wishes and wants are candy and nuts, we would all have a wonderful Christmas."
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Oh Jill

Saturday, June 12, 2010
This and that
I have the best friends ever. They are so amazing, and I am thankful for them. While we are out of town this summer, one of my friends has been sending me cards and notes every week, and it is that small act that gives me the pick up that I need.
I realized earlier this week at about 2:30 in the afternoon that I had been sweating since 6:30 in the morning when I got up to run. Its hot hot hot here.
I wish that I had developed a love for cooking earlier in life.
I love my husband and he is amazing.
The WORLD CUP is in session, and I am missing so many games it hurts my heart. I want to watch them all.
I hope that you ladies are having a fab week this summer.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
It was like I was meditating
Earlier this week we made brownies in huge trays, and after they cooled I started to spread the icing. It was hot in the kitchen, (its a huge great room with an open kitchen and 1/2 walls, 1/2 screens, combine that with the heat from the stove and ovens and it is blazing.) Anyways, I was standing there icing the brownies listening to this old school song, and I just lost myself in it. For about 5 minutes time just seemed to stop and I was not thinking, I was just doing, and I felt strangely satisfied, I felt as if I could stand there and spread the frosting on the brownies for hours. I know it may seem over dramatic, but I really did lose myself, and forget about everything around me. I was just there. And, I was actually sad when all the trays were iced and done. Then, I had a huge feeling of satisfaction when I realized that the food I was making was going to be for peoples enjoyment and pleasure, and that gave me so much pleasure. I think that is why I like to bake because my favorite part of the meal is desert. It is what I look forward to every time and I tend to think others do as well, and I love when people delight in what I made for them.
It was so weird those few minutes, and I have tried to duplicate the feeling but somehow could not. But if it takes music and icing to get me back to that place, I am running there fast.
Monday, May 31, 2010
It has begun
So once again, here we are. 3 meals in and its been fun, but it is a lot of work. Last night we made lasagna, green beans, bread, and cake for dinner. This morning, eggs, biscuits, and sausage. Lunch, tacos, queso, salad. Tonight, pineapple chicken and sweet rice.
I am resting for a few more minutes then it is back to the brutal Texas heat. And, its not even June yet. Yikes.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Throw it Out
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Paris Dreaming

I have not been many places, yet I have been to Paris, once. It was amazing. Walking the streets, seeing the majestic buildings, the cobble stone walk ways, strolling along the Seine, crossing bridge over bridge, it was magic. There was magic there. The best part was touring the city at night, with the lights ablaze from the apartments, seeing people eat dinner, and entertain guests, it gave me a slight glimpse into their lives. The only souvenir I have from Paris is a scarf I bought from a street vendor. I wear it all the time, and each time I wrap it around my neck, I am transported, even for a second back to Paris.
I think I just have the travel bug. I ache to travel right now. I want to hop a plane and jet set around Europe. Or stroll through Central Park. I want to go. I long to go. I hunger to go. But, alas we can't. Not this summer. Be have prior commitments and a commitment to our financial situation. So I will continually dream the Paris dream. I will get my fill by watching old movies, reading books, and dreaming of old Paris.
Check out My Loaves
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
All the Single Ladies, Put Your Hands Up
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010
City Life

I ran the dirt path and contemplated my competing desires. I have grown to enjoy the quietness of country life. The past 3 years, I have gripped about it, but somewhere along the lines I realized how nice it is to come home and be away from everything. But, at times, I often feel the calling, the urge of city life. Can I have both? Can I have the slow quite of the country, and the excitement of the city? I don't know. Will I ever live in a downtown loft on the 27th floor? I don't think so, especially not as a teacher.
For now, I will just have to keep enjoying my jaunts into the urban jungle.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Haiti, so cool!

I am going to watch them practice today or tomorrow, so I will defiantly be posting some pics.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
I feel like I can breathe again
I really prefer to have a few things going on and do them really really well, rather than have a ton going on, and just be ok at it all. I like to focus my energies and get tasks accomplished.
I have forgotten a few things these last few weeks and I think it is simply because I am so busy and have not been able to get organized. So tonight I am playing hookie to bible study. After work I went to the gym and had an awesome work out. I ran a really quick 3 miles and lifted, and I just took my time. I plugged in my ipod and just zoned out. Because I have been so busy recently my workout have been rushed and not great. Tonight I got to take my time, I really pushed myself to lift more than normal, and I took my time, and enjoyed getting my sweat on. While I was sitting there between sets, I took a deep breath and realized that all my stress was gone. My shoulders were not tight, I felt more relaxed than I have in weeks. I sat there and kept breathing in and realized that it was like I everything that had been weighting me down was gone. Working out is like a drug. And I admit that I am addicted. Tonight, like I said I am skipping bible study, P went over to a friends house and I have a few glorious hours all to myself at home to organize my thoughts and get some things done!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Ch-ch-ch-Changes, part 1
Friday, April 2, 2010
What I learned from an 11 hour track meet
The meet was not run well, and people were getting frustrated by the inefficiency. Teams packed up and left. Parents, coaches, and administrators were griping and complaining and venting their frustrations, and I must agree, as much as I wish I wasn't part of that group, I was.
But I learned something last night in the midst of all the frustrations, and the fatigue, I learned that griping wont do anything to make the situation better. Sometimes, you just have to grin and bear it, and try to make the best of the situation. Plus, a little laughter always seems to help in these situations. (As does a spontaneous cheer, learned from my 8th grade cheer leading stint. Yelling, hand motions and all tend to make people smile and get past the frustrations a bit. " When I say love, you say track, Love--Track---Love---Track!!)
Another thing I learned that, no matter how slow you are, everyone deserves a cheer when they cross the finish line. Even if you walk, or slow down for a while, you must keep moving forward, and you must work past the pain.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Meatless? Me???
I know that going meatless is not the answer to all the food questions I have, but I feel like this a major step in the right direction for me.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Reminiscing (Warning: Long Post Ahead)
My grandmother had 9 brothers and sisters, 5 boys, 5 girls. The boys all passed away when I was young. Now, there are 3 of the 5 girls left. The first of the girls to pass away was my precious grandmother, who died when I was in middle school. We lost her to lung cancer, a terribly nasty disease that sucks the life out of its victims, and leads to much pain and suffering in the final months. My aunt E that passed away on Thursday was the youngest of the 5. She has been living for the last 4 years with her sister, my other great aunt H, who is an angel without wings. See my great aunt H, is one of the kindest souls you will ever meet. Her husband passed away 2 decades ago and she has been living on her own ever since. When my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer, my aunt H packed up a suitcase, locked up her house and moved in with my grandmother and took care of her for 2 years while she was sick. For 2 years, she put her life on pause to take care of her big sister. My aunt H provided so much comfort to my grandmother while she was sick. Then, 4 years ago my aunt E took a terrible fall and got sick. So my aunt H asked her if she wanted to come and live with her, and she said yes. For the last 4 years my aunt played sister, comforter, nurse, mother, doctor, and therapist to a physically and in the end mentally ill woman. She fed her, bathed her, stayed up nights with her, and even changed her diapers in the final weeks of her life. Aunt H did all of this, without asking for anything in return.
After my grandmother passed away I started spending the summers with my great aunt H. She lives in this quaint town with 1 small grocery store, and no police station. I spent my summers running up and down the main roads with my cousins. I stayed up late and watched scary movies with her, and then when I was too frightened to go to bed, she let me sleep with her. In a way she became my surrogate grandmother. So many memories of my childhood are wrapped up in her. Being here in her house, in her town, its like a damn has broken and hundreds of memories are filling my mind. Some good, some bad, some in between.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Life had other plans that involved a shot gun, a skunk, my sick husband walking in the field with said shot gun, and a very stinky dog.
Yep, our dog got sprayed. It was cold and rainy so I had to take the dog inside to give him a bath. A bath that lasted almost 45 minutes and used ALL of the hot water. Here is the bathing cycle, dog shampoo, rinse, vanilla, rinse, bath and body works products, rinse, more dog shampoo, rinse. For a dog that loves water, this dog hates a bath. By the time we were done, my shirt and shorts were soaked, I used about 5 beach towels, and there was about an inch of water on the floor. While I was bathing our dog, P was in the pasture looking for the culprit, and was unable to find him. I ended up coming in taking a cold shower, put on my p.j.'s and collapsed into bed.
When I got up this morning the yard still smelled like skunk.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
15 hours
Now I plan on working out and remaining on my feet until bed time.
And thanks P for your patience with me.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Then we have been at a conference the past 3 days. No rest or weekend for the weary I guess. The conference has been great. I have learned a ton and feel re energized, but now I am tired. 3 days of non stop packed days have left me spent. Plus, my bff had her baby last night! She called me when she went into labor and and I ran out of the conference to go to the hospital and got to be there for her labor (just the part before the pushing) and then to see a healthy baby boy!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Done, Done, and Doner
On Monday, P and I wrote a check and it cleared on Friday, our emergency fund is completely funded! It represents 7 months of living expenses for us. Baby step 3 is done. WOW. This feels even better than getting the debt paid off, because this represents something that we worked for for us, for our future. What I like about Dave's Total Money Makeover is that it is not a get rich quick scheme. It is not about how much money you can horde. It is about having a healthy financial life. It is about giving. It is about balance. It is about saying, I am not going to be a slave to anyone. When we were at Dave's class and he quoted Proverbs 22:7 over and over, " The borrower is slave to the lender." I don't want to be a slave. I don't want to work hard just to sign my money over to some company to pay my bills. I don't want to have to stay in a toxic work environment simply because I need the pay check to pay my bills.
So now, we get to start baby step 4, building wealth. I already have a IRA and a 403 B, so we need to do just a little work there, converting my traditional IRA to a Roth IRA, but that wont be hard. Plus, we need to set up a Roth IRA for P as well.
We also have a short term goal we want to meet. P and I are going to start saving to buy a new (read: new to us, aka used) car for P. Then we get to really have fun and start saving for a house. I honestly cannot stomach debt any more. I had a taste of it, and it was foul. I want no part of that any more. The thought of taking on debt makes me sick. I joke and like to say that I am now allergic to debt. It will take a long time to reach some of these goals, but that is ok. We are patient.
Now its on to bigger and better things!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Texas weather, unpredictably random.
With a threat of "snow" which is nothing like the rest of the country is getting, our school cancelled every extra curricular activity after school that we offer.
We South Texans tend to panic when it is anything other than heat and sunshine.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
My Cajun Birthday
My grandma, this sweet little old lady-- speaks broken English in her Cajun accent. Her brother, my great uncle only speaks Cajun. He still lives on the farm in the same house that he grew up in, a small farming community outside of Lafayette, LA. It is so funny to hear my grandma talk to her baby brother in French. They just rattle on and on. I love hearing that sound, and I will miss it when she is gone.
Anywho--I am getting off topic. Yesterday I turned 28--yikes. And P spoiled me on my birthday with a Cajun inspired day. I got a ton of cards, phone calls, and texts, and facebook messages from my friends who are dispersed all over the country. I have been wanting a Who Dat shirt for quite some time, and P got me one! It is awesome--but it does not fit--so we are exchanging it for another one. Then P got me this Jazz Festival painting. There were only 10,000 made that year and P found my favorite one and had it framed for me.

The best part was the small surprise get together that P planned for me. I like parties, but not for me. I feel awkward when I am the center of attention. At 3:30 my bff picked me up and took me to the movies--saw Dear John--it was awesome (book is better by the way) then when we finished I got into the car, and she blind folded me, drove like a maniac all over town to throw me off the track, then took me to my favorite place. She parked opened the door and led me into my house where the Who Dat song was blaring on the speakers, homade hot shrimp and chicken gumbo was simmering on the stove, and the poster was hanging on my wall. Plus, P had a king cake delivered from Louisiana, so we munched on that for desert and it was delish! Then some of my favorite people in the world popped out of hiding and I was surrounded by the people that I love the most. It was so much fun. I felt so special, so loved, and my tank was totally over flowing. The gumbo tasted just like my grandma's, and the scent was still lingering in the air when I woke this morning. It was such a great day, and I am so blessed to have a husband who spoiles me so much. Thank you P for all you did. I love you. Such wonderful memories.